Gather the Village: Orlando
“I believe God lets us stumble along, slowly finding our way, and giving us chances to pick each other up.”
What the Village Magazine has organized is bound to change lives all over the globe. Why?! Because being able to talk about your ups and downs, your goals and aspirations, as well as the pride you take in your children are parts of motherhood that not just everyone can fully grasp.. it's kinda' a mom thing. I had the honor of being a host for the local Orlando/Central Florida area and the pleasure was truly all mine!!
Our dinner was AWESOME!! We laughed, we cried, we shared our hearts, we ate, we talked about our goals and the common theme when asked, " What does the village mean to you?" Sisterhood
There is definitely something to be said about moms who can put their differences aside for one night to gather and celebrate the one thing we have in common, motherhood.
Our dinner was catered by: Cafe Pinar Orlando